General > Announcements

Classic Motorcycle Day on Sunday 2nd July 2017

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Thanks for the replies everyone. When you decide if you are coming/interested, can your nominated single point of contact drop me an email to and we'll go from there.
Jon  ;D

Here is a flyer for the event as well guys. Feel free to post on your facebook page or put it in your club magazine.
Remember we are on Facebook, just search for 'National Tramway Museum Classic Motorcycle Day'


--- Quote from: rozabikes on November 01, 2016, 07:06:26 PM ---Live about 8 miles from there. Happy to act as contact if required.


--- End quote ---
That could be useful, thanks for the offer.
Anyone else possibly interested or got any other comments or thoughts?
There have been various comments made about meeting up at some point - here is an opportunity with the likelihood of other interesting bikes to look at.

Nurse Julie:
Yes, thanks for offering Tim and yes Chris, could be another opportunity for some forum members to meet up.

Rozabikes Tim:
Can I suggest we offer up ideas of what we could do? Shall we simply have a stand and show off our shiny bikes as a group?

If we post some ideas, we can then hopefully agree on a format. Knowing this, we could  then register for the show knowing our requirements.

This all assumes enough genuine interest that people will commit to.....



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