Other Stuff > What is it?

well how about this...

(1/2) > >>

OK, it's a fairing, any idea of the make from the shape of the logo that should be stuck on the front?

regards, Phil

Possibly a Dunstall??

SteveD CB500K0:
That's a Rickman \"Type 1\" which was a 1/2 fairing. The size and shape of the badge are the givaway.  Run a Google or eBay search for more pictures to compare.

The pic in my avatar is the \"Type 2\" 3/4 version.

Post edited by: SteveD CB500F, at: 2007/02/19 12:37

Thanks Steve, I thought the shape was a rickman but was not certain. I'll do an image search, but do you know of (or have) any pictures showing the mounting arrangement for these?

Also, you can see I need a screen - was somewhere in Hampshire mentioned on here a while ago as a possible source?

regards, Phil

SteveD CB500K0:
On the 500/550/750s that we had in the 70's, the bracket mounted to the steering head and was clamped via the tank mounting lugs (this meant you had to cut down the tank rubbers). Then two (rather flimsy) brackets from the side to the rear engine mounts. I don't know whether the type 1 had any lower mounts or not. The fairing was \"QD\" ie you could undo two large bolts under the screen and two each side by the engine and lift it off. As the headlamp remained mounted on the fairing frame, you could ride it around naked !!

I recall a screen thread, either here or on sohc4 - I'll have a little poke around.

There is a member of sohc4 in Peterborough with a Yoshi 500/4 with one of these fitted. I'll email him and get him to post some photos.


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