Forums > CB500/550

Bike rebuild

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Hi, I'm a newbie on this site and to bikes too (sorry I've been a car type petrol head  :-[) but I would like to share my bike rebuild process - not too many problems so far.
I bought the bike as a box of bits on ebay last year, since then I have built a shed for it,  had the frame and other bits shot blasted, bought and replaced the most obvious  parts - not many missing, but many to replace;- exhaust and seat were missing, but front forks, rear dampers, wheels and a tank needed replacing as well as the run of the mill stuff such as bearings, gaskets, 'O' seals piston rings replaced so far.
The engine rebuild did not reveal any wear, but the engine is a replacement anyway, the log book says its a 500/4 but the block is clearly stamped as a 550/4.
So now the frame is 'mounted' on the bench with the engine installed where I can tackle most of the engine reassembly and a few ancillaries too.
I will update the site on further progress.
Just one major problem; I have had great difficulty removing a head stud from a scrap engine I bought, my engine came minus one stud. I have applied a 18" long torque wrench to the studs (nuts back to back), only to find that because the turning moment is 6" above the lower part of the stud where it's stuck, I'm bending the studs - 2 out of the available 6 so far! And the jaws of the special tool I've bought (see pic)will not bite into the stud in order to grip it.
I have not tried too much heat, my blow lamp is more of a pencil flame anyway, but would anyone suggest that heat will work?

You need a lot of heat, try putting it in the oven at 220c for a hour. Use two nuts to lock against each over.

Thanks for that, I will have to split the case to get it anywhere near the oven and make sure the wife is out, lol, here's the frame photo I should have posted.

mike the bike:
This type looks more useful than the chuck types.  I would use heat as well just to get the stud in the right frame of mind, and WD40 as an added incentive.

PS welcome to the forum,  you've come to the right place for advice...most of which is useful.

PPS.  There's a cheaper one again at £7.95

Welcome and good luck with the  rebuild


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