General > Humour

Which Gold?


Missus said to me yesterday "Next time I get my hair done do you think I should go for the same 'Sunny Gold' shade  or some other colour". I said how about 'Starlight Gold or 'Candy Custom Gold'. She told me that sounded  interesting.  Where have you seen that and where could I get it and how come you know so much about women's hair colours? Told her the best person to ask and apply it is quite a way from us ... in Germany ! I won't repeat what she said I told her the truth. Reply included 'sub-normal' though  ;D

A man of many talents that guy in germany:

Boatofucket seem to have spat their dummy out again, theres a thread about it somewhere, I now use Postimage.

Does your missus realise she may have to spray her hair silver first, or the gold won't work? Mine wouldn't have to if she didn't get it dyed brown again first, but please don't tell her I said that.


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