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Out and about today

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Rozabikes Tim:

--- Quote from: Trigger on October 29, 2017, 08:39:12 PM ---Did my little bit of tinkering stop it from smoking  ;) and is the bloody thing run in yet.

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Graham, what timing.... My mower in France started smoking very badly suddenly, from the often expected bit on start up with these. Assumed serious and not worth looking at but any tips, blocked breathers etc. .... Tim


--- Quote from: Green1 on October 29, 2017, 09:56:59 PM ---I will be the first to admit it to much work has made me very dull.
I have no enthusiasm at the moment I get as far as looking at the bikes but can't be arsed to put the gear on and get them out.

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Blimey, did I just write that. ;D

paul G:

--- Quote from: royhall on October 30, 2017, 07:56:54 AM ---
--- Quote from: Green1 on October 29, 2017, 09:56:59 PM ---I will be the first to admit it to much work has made me very dull.
I have no enthusiasm at the moment I get as far as looking at the bikes but can't be arsed to put the gear on and get them out.

--- End quote ---
Blimey, did I just write that. ;D

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You did Roy and you need to snap out of it ;) ;) winter is upon us >:(

Not me really Paul, but I do share the same sentiment. Too much work at the moment and I'm rapidly heading to 60 so things need to change soon. Will be on a biking day soon though as were going to the bike show at the NEC. Err hang on, were going in the car.  :o

Look great.. we were out this weekend along the coast just beautiful!


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