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Sandcast Paint Correction

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UK Pete:
Looking good
How many sandcasts do you have or have had
I have now lost count of your bikes

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The only problem with that is if I turn up you wont have to work hard to flog me something  ;D

You can see the original colour in that darker red strawberry shaped area, which probably hasn't, until recently seen the light of day since they stuck the badge on in 1969 - apart from the epsode where they got weirdly switched around, but once there was no Google to instantly check for pictures of similar bikes.

The rest has been faded by the sun, but for me clean but weatherbeaten original paint beats new copy every time.

Red is a b*gger of a colour to paint a car or bike that gets left outside in all weathers, UV from the sunlight degrades some pigment in it over time, yellow cars, vans and bikes often fade flat in the sunlight the same way . After we'd scrapped the Wife's red Sierra, that had turned a strange flat pink in the,  er, Manchester summers, I then bought an old red diesel Merc, thinking their paint would be better quality. Nope, it turned pink. If i Tcut it then polished, i could turn it red for a short while, but once I'd done a patch I'd have to do the whole damn car, and I had to sell it at night.

I dare say I'll soon start getting precious about having my newly painted candy ruby red CB750 out in the rare baking sun at outdoor events for too long, and look for shade to park in, which often is just not possible any more than you can get shelter for your bike if it rains, tough, you take your chances with the great British weather, or you don't go out too much.

Cracked on with the rest of it this evening. Just the headlight bucket to do now. Has polished up nicely.

As stated previously this is more about originality and real patina than a perfect finish. I’m pleased with the outcome..more to come of the actual bike in a week or so. Currently have the front end off for an overhaul.

Tank before:

Fork ears before:

Finished set (just the headlight bucket to do):

The word patina is well and truly overused on eBay its used as code for rust bucket.
I like your bikes James as no amount of polishing hides the fact the bike had a history behind it. 
Also means I don't cry when they get caught out in the rain. 


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