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Newbie '78 CB750 K8 (US) Cafe Build

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What about a 400 four tank they fit straight on or cx 500 they look good on the 750

Two four seat, ace bars, four into one pipe.....and the same tank with maybe a new paint job.... would look cool i reckon


--- Quote from: Rob62 on May 01, 2018, 06:01:49 PM ---Two four seat, ace bars, four into one pipe.....and the same tank with maybe a new paint job.... would look cool i reckon

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Definitely going to be doing the 4-into-1 pipe!

I've been looking at the Yoshimura style one from Carpy's Cafe Racers - does anyone have any thoughts on this or know if anywhere in the UK I can get something similar for the same price (around £600 delivered)?


--- Quote from: yozzer74 on May 01, 2018, 03:37:54 PM ---What about a 400 four tank they fit straight on or cx 500 they look good on the 750

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I have looked at the 400f tank, but it has a slightly sharper angle than the CB750f. The CX500 one does look pretty cool, though. I'll have a play around on Photoshop later and see what I think!

I got one of those pipes from is quite poor on them .did sound nice though.i have had a pipe for my new build made . which was around the same price .but fits great and made out of stainless.


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