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Out and about in Wales 2019

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  this is were I stayed ,about 5mls west of the city center,most places booked up very early,,-3.2557089,13z/data=!4m16!1m7!3m6!1s0x4865554af78167ad:0x7c69a13d58b3a184!2sWelshpool!3b1!8m2!3d52.660348!4d-3.146407!3m7!1s0x0:0x67465bb8479c1734!5m2!1s2019-05-03!2i2!8m2!3d52.6652049!4d-3.2984841?hl=en&authuser=0

  when you enter you are given a rider number,and a basic map,it like a treasure hunt,

for the Gold award it requires visiting 3 manned checkpoints ,and I think 12 un-manned ,there are questions about the place which you have to answer ,

 when the weather is great,its perfect,but it does sometimes rain in Wales

 you start and finish at Welshpool,


--- Quote from: Oddjob on August 19, 2018, 05:23:50 PM ---I like stuff like this and could be interested in going.

However I do have a few questions to see if I get what they are doing.

You ride a route, similar to a treasure hunt in that they give you clues? Can you give an example?

As you go along the route you observe what you can see?

When you get to a manned checkpoint you are asked questions? presumably on what you have observed, like what was the name of the dam you passed?

How do the unmanned checkpoints work?

I presume you have done this rally and know how it works John?

--- End quote ---

  No,its different,you get sent the paperwork about 3 weeks before the date,you then decide what award you want to go for,they
enclose a basic map with all (6) manned checks ,and about 35 ish un-manned ,its up to you to plan the route ,
and choose how many manned and un-manned checks you visit,
at the manned checks,you can answer 10 general knowledge questions ,
at the un-manned ,a typical question would be," in the local BT phone box,what is the number ?"
or at a village local church,what is the name of the Vicar?
or,what is the date on the pub gable end ?"

the questions are NOT issued until you report in the morning sign on

 and yes,I have done a couple of times ,the first time I left home at 7.30 am to get to the checkpoint at about 9.15.then did the rally,got back to Welshpool,and rode home,did about 450 miles that day,next time I did a B&B before ,made it a better ,less rushed
ride .maybe this year I could stay after as well ,

I myself am not so much interested in the challenge as I am the opportunity to ride in a foreign country

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: petermigreen on August 19, 2018, 05:57:08 PM ---I myself am not so much interested in the challenge as I am the opportunity to ride in a foreign country

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---

  laughs ,so far ,I havn't needed to produce my passport !!!

  and the roads and views in Mid and North Wales are stunning !!!

 most of the natives are friendly ,ever to bikers !!


--- Quote from: Oddjob on August 19, 2018, 10:30:54 PM ---I sort of get it now John. You plan your route according to the medal colour your going for. You do this well in advance of actually getting there. Seems ok.

The questions you get at the start, so before you report to the checkpoints you make sure you have the answers to the questions, means travelling round a bit looking for stuff, so sort of like a treasure hunt, how's that work at the unmanned points, you drop the answers in a box? I presume you must also register at the unmanned points to prove you actually went there?

Kinda liking the concept.

--- End quote ---

  a typical question would be ,"what are the opening hours during the week of XYZ shop"

 you only get the question when you sign on in the ride morning,all answers are written on your ride card,with rubber stamped from manned checkpoints ,
the completed card is handed in at the end of the ride,back at Welshpool,answers and rubber stamps are checked,and a trophy awarded,

later ,all the answers,including the 10 X 3 from the check points are added ,and a full result is issued ,some time later .


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