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How to Post Pictures, Links and Avatars
SteveD CB500K0:
Posting Pictures
When you post, there is a link called "Additional Options..." to the bottom left of the text box. Click on this.
Now you can attach a file (usually a JPEG for a picture, but any standard file format can be added to your post) by clicking on the "Browse..." button and selecting the file from your PC.
To add more files, click on "(more attachments)"
Files must be <3Mb to upload so please cut those pictures down using a graphics or photo programme.
A maximum of 5 images allowed per upload.
Hosted Image files
If you host you pictures (on photobucket for example), you can insert them into the text field of your post which makes narratives much easier to read. Use the "Insert Hyperlink" button (the one with the globe) and post away!
If you have cut and pasted the URL and it shows only an empty post, try this:
Right click the picture that you want to display
Select "Copy Image Location"
Paste into the post between the IMG tags
Resizing Images for Upload (Windows)
Here's a question that is asked a lot! If using Windows XP, go to Microsoft Downloads and search for "Resize Images" - It'll be in the "Power Toys" section. I can't post a direct URL as it moves around. Download the application and anytime you right-click a picture file (or files) it will allow you too resize them. Easy.
I believe that Windows 7-10 has it built-in (just right-click the image)
Uploading an Avatar
You need to be in your "Profile"
In the "Modify Profile" box on the left, click on "Forum Profile Information". Specify a URL location for your avatar picture or upload it from your PC by using the "I will upload my own picture" radio button. Anything you type in the "Personal Text" box will appear under your avatar. Avatar pictures must be no larger than 150 x 150 pixels.
While you are there, fill in the rest of your bio - especially your location.
Also fill in your signature - this will appear at the bottom of every post. Current bikes, past bikes and a link to your gallery are all good. Big pictures are not so good...
Adding www links to your posts
Anything you type that begins with "www." or "http/:" will automatically be converted into a link.
You can also cut and paste links from the address bar of you browser.
To be really cute, you can use HTML text to post a link with a much more descriptive label (as opposed to an eBay address which stretches across the page and means nothing)
Type this: [ :)=]THIS[/ :)] where :) = "url"
Which comes out like THIS: Cool eh?
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