General > New Member Introductions


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Hello, Names Dave and just joined the ranks with a 1978 CB650Z,  Fella i met last night wanted space in his garage and said he wanted rid of this bike, Done him a big favour today ;D and took it off his hands for the grand some of

SteveD CB500K0:
Welcome Dave.

You can insert an image by using the little pictureframe icon above, or upload a picture to the site using the "Additional Options" at the bottom of the post.

I've added full instructions to the "Newbies Start Here" thread.

Thanks Steve,  Easy when you put it like that. ;D

Hello Dave & welcome to the forum, looks like you have a complete bike to start  with so that should be a bit of an advantage  ;), good luck with the resto remember to keep us updated and loads of photos  ;D, cheers Mick.

Thanks Mick, well today we had a go at starrting the bike, its not been going for over 2 years so put new fuel in and drained old (brown) fuel off, After messing about with the carbs plugs etc we managed to get it/her going. needs a new battery though but what a result. I'm not at all mechanical minded but have lots of will power so between me and (also) Dave looking forward to doing a proper job on this bike.

Dave aka Peo


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