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 Hi although i have not got a SOHC honda (unless a Honda  CB77 counts) i thought i better  join the site as i am helping Peo to restore his CB650Z so thanks in advance as we will be asking for advice as we go along with this project.


SteveD CB500K0:
Hello Dave.

I'm beginning to wonder whether we should allow any more Daves on here - it gets a bit confusing!

Good luck with the rebuild.



--- Quote from: SteveD CB500F on January 27, 2009, 04:32:53 PM ---Hello Dave.

I'm beginning to wonder whether we should allow any more Daves on here - it gets a bit confusing!

Good luck with the rebuild.


--- End quote ---
We could just start a "Dave" Board or perhaps they are all really called Rodney ;D Welcome anyway

SteveD CB500K0:
Or maybe, like Dr Who in "The Library" we could have "Proper Dave"

Mind you, one of those sonic screwdrivers would be ace for removing seized bolts!

I don't remember that one, Is that a Catherine Tate episode as I refused to what it when she was in it, can't stand the woman


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