Other Stuff > Where's My Old Bike?

Honda CB100N

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I found some old photo's of my first bike from when I was seventeen (About 1992) The reg No. is OET30X, Year of first reg 1981,colour was orange. Is she still out there?


Details from DVLA site follow means its been off the road since 1996 so is probably in bits in a shed somewhere

Date of Liability  01 09 1996 
Date of First Registration  28 11 1981 
Year of Manufacture  1981 
Cylinder Capacity (cc)  99CC 
CO2 Emissions  Not Available 
Fuel Type  Petrol 
Export Marker  Not Applicable 
Vehicle Status  Unlicensed 
Vehicle Colour  ORANGE 
Vehicle Type Approval  null 
The information contained on this page is correct at the time of enquiry. 
Vehicle Excise Duty Rate for vehicle     
6 Months Rate 

SteveD CB500K0:
Scan the photos and put them up on here anyway Andy. Love looking at these old pics/bikes.

Good luck looking out for the old girl, I've just revived my first bike after 8 or 9 years of it living in cardboard boxes in the loft after an engine blow up, It's taking some getting used to riding a 125 again, specially as it's a 2 stroke Kwak ;D

yeah pics would be good

my first bike was an rd125lc  84


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