Forums > CB750

Deox-C rust remover


I bought a CB750 341 style rear fender from the USA for my UK K0 (I could not find a new 300 style one with the UK 4-hole lamp mount) and the chrome was in really good condition but had the usual slight surface rust underneath, which I wanted to remove. I was recommended to use a product called 'Deox-C' by a friend who runs a local engineering company. I dipped the fender in it for about 48 hours, as I was assured that the chrome would not be damaged in any way. I have to say that the stuff is magic  because it removed all of the rust but no base metal or Chrome. I think they also sell it in Gel form too. Don't know what it does to Zinc plating though but will try it out and report back. definitely brilliant for restoring chromed parts though.

Or does anyone know anything better?

That sounds like a very handy product, will have to investigate more, got lots of old Honda parts.




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