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CB750 K5/6/7

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Evening allMind has been made up about the engine strip for me. Turned it over to look at the bottom and oil contaminated with water poured out.!! Now struggling to remove the alternator flywheel centre bolt loose. Has Anyone struggled to remove this before? If so how did you get it out without doing any damage. Thanks

Electric impact gun is easiest.


--- Quote from: Brett72 on November 25, 2020, 01:47:17 PM ---Trigger, are there any easy ways of telling the difference between k6 and k7 heads?

--- End quote ---

Bigger valves on the later head.

If you have water in the bottom end, then you have a rust problem and rust & corrosion is not your friend when assessing a engine for rebuild.
If you wish to lock the engine up, you can place a bar through all the conrods small ends.

Evening all. i am after some advice if possible from the font of knowledge on here.  I am struggling to separate my engine cases. I have followed the good ole Haynes manual to the letter but i just cannot seem to separate them. Have tried lots of different size persuasion tools but they just wont budge. Is there a bolt that the book doesn't show? Do you need to remove the alternator off the shaft? i have seen many videos where they don't. Is there a bolt under the sump plate near the oil pump? Any ideas are welcome. Thanks


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