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Peter Williams

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The early match races I think they got all of the Norton,  BSA Triumph triples they could find in their workshops to make a complete "fleet" so many riders where on strange bikes. Imagine that now!

They did all seem to be British or That Harley of Rayborn.  Of course USA riders where significantly racing those triples in their domestic series.

My creaking memory seems to recall that they are from the match races at Oulton Park which we all thoroughly enjoyed especially the sound of those BSA and Triumph triples



I was curious about who was the rider with the silver helmet on the #1 BSA triple, it turns out to be Dick Mann, he of Daytona winning CB750 fame.

Several pictures from the 1972 and 73 Match Races here:

Further to what was said about them riding whatever bikes were available, there's American Dave Aldana on a 750 Norton too. Not surprisingly it looks as if its been up the road - he was another one who had a 'podium or ambulance' approach to racing. This was long before his legendary skeleton racing suit came along.

Peter Williams was an exceptionally talented Engineer who contributed many really good ideas for was a real pity that he never had the backing and investment from a big Factory....who knows what else he'd have perfected given the opportunity.

Spitfires recollections of the Match Races at Oulton Park took me back....I went to one of those races in 72/73 - but it was the only bike race I ever went to because I had no idea who won what ! I only found out the following Wednesday when I bought my weekly bike fix in MCN ! I remember thinking it was all a bit pointless if I didn't actually know who won ! The Racing Triples were something else though, although the Road Triples never floated my boat as they say......just one of those bikes that if I won a new one in a raffle I'd just sell it on....a bit like Harleys !

After the race, when I got back to my parked Marina some tw*t had tried to prize my STP lookalike sticker which actually read SHIT off the rear window.....completely ruining it ! Tw*t ! Funny what you remember from 50 years ago !


--- Quote from: Spitfire on January 25, 2021, 06:24:31 PM ---Here's a few more.



--- End quote ---

  these look like the @71 Match races

 PW was a brilliant racer and engineer,

 he also wrote a book about racing


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