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Magnetic solution..

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Today I was removing tappets to inspect their contact surfaces and dropped one down the inspection hole  ::) panic... thoughts of top end rebuild going through my head.  :o I could just see it and wondered how to retrieve it without losing it again. I got a strong magnet I have indoors but the force wasn't reaching. I then took a long screw driver and spent half an hour making that magnetic.... I managed to fish it out that way.  ;D

Well done, necessity is the mother of invention!

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
I feel your panic  - I once "lost" a distributor drive spindle into the engine/gearbox on an A series Mini whilst I was rebuilding it - took me and my Dad almost two hours to retrieve it using some old medical forceps, lengths of welding wire with a loop plus a very weak magnet. The engine was back in the car when it happened - the bolt that you screw into the drive shaft to lower it into position came unscrewed as I was trying to get the position right for the timing.

I have several "old school" items from my maintenance days, among them are several  different sized telescopic handled magnets and a couple of telescopic mini mirrors, industrial equipment has even bigger spaces to loose things in.


--- Quote from: ka-ja on September 13, 2021, 10:08:21 AM ---I have several "old school" items from my maintenance days, among them are several  different sized telescopic handled magnets and a couple of telescopic mini mirrors, industrial equipment has even bigger spaces to loose things in.

--- End quote ---
I was wondering earlier...... has the dentist got something like this in case that drill bit ends up down yah throat?  :o


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