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The rebirth of Lazarus

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Possible bad drain plug threead, bad washer(alloy) of cracked sump pan, you need to clean off totally and find where exactly comming from im afraid

Hey Bryan, the sump pan had been repaired before an fitted with a smaller drain plug so might be the culprit.

Could be porous weld, same sump 500/550 all way through so should be spares about, i may even have one but cant get into my garage till i fix the door, do have a 550 bottom end in the car i will see if it has a sump.on it for you tonight

Dont worry Bryan I have a spare if I need it.

Lazarus is having a difficult birth. Can not get him to run for more than a mile or so before he gives up the ghost. Feels like fuel starvation, tried on main and reserve with same result. Tap has been rebuilt an tank cap is new. Also had a new plug go off so only 3 cyls until I put new plug in although the spark is not great looking when checked against the cylinder head. Coils are not great so might get some new ones as don't feel confident to do the Ash fix. Going to check fuel flow this afternoon and go from there. The only positive thing to come out of breaking down is a couple of people stopped to check I was OK and liked the bike!


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