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Gloss finish on the barrel/head of black engines looks awful! A genuine satin finish is fine, but despite the can saying satin it just is not.   

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):

--- Quote from: Oggers on April 21, 2022, 10:46:33 AM ---Gloss finish on the barrel/head of black engines looks awful! A genuine satin finish is fine, but despite the can saying satin it just is not.   

--- End quote ---

Okay how about Matt black as opposed to stain it might be blacker?

I've used PJ1 satin black and it was exactly what it says it is.

Maybe you didn't shake the can enough.

Laverda Dave:
I've used satin black before and it dried matt despite shaking the can until my arms fell off!
The second attempt worked, be sure to make the first coat a dust coat and give every coat a ten minute drying time and shake the can for at least one minute between coats (I actually put the can in a bucket of hot water between coats to keep the paint warm). The secret seems to be to be little and often in terms of paint build up.
I think you really need to cure it in the oven though where a constant 100c can be maintained for the hour or so it needs to cure, i've never had any problems with it flaking off after curing.


Yes - defo more a matt than a satin finish. I too shook the can for ages, warmed the can in aforesaid bucket of hot water and heated the barrel over the portable gas fire until warm to the touch before spraying. I have since dangled the painted barrel over the gas fire again to cure further  - I dare not use the kitchen oven for fear of retribution - and it seems to have hardened off a little more...we shall see. I am still not impressed with the matt finish nor the not quite black colour though.

On this, I gave the head cover a coat of Plastikote BBQ paint. Better finish, certainly blacker and a little more satin sheen. I'll allow this to cure then compare and contrast. I also bought a can of Plastikote Woodburner paint. Colour seems just the same, but I may try it out on a sample piece of scrap to judge if that is any better.



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