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Any electrical wizards in the Edinburgh area?

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Looking for a local sparky to help me with an old 6 volt Honda C50 step through which has no spark.
I’ve replaced everything electrical on it points, condenser, coil HT lead cap and plug and cannot get a spark. Other than checking continuity that’s as far as my troubleshooting skills go, so really need help from anyone that can come and have a look at it. It was running briefly about a year ago but since then It will not spark. Any help will be gratefully received with all the tea and biscuits you can handle.

No help directly as t'other end of country from you. Although biscuits very tempting  ;D

But one easy thing to check that often catches out on points;- the little bolt on the points that captures the wires on a terminal MUST under all conditions not touch the earth (the bracket it's bolted to) EVER, apologies for shouting  :) but all of the little insulation washers etc must be in place to prevent this happening. 

There's usually a few of them, something sleeving the bolt as it passes through the bracket too. Any tracking to earth here and nothing will happen with the ignition in the way of switching the coil. The only route to earth is via the points contact to the other post (the static one) so worth checking through carefully to see if there's any physical possibility.

The way to check it electrically is to set a meter to beep on continuity, put one lead onto earth, the other to the wire going to the points and with the points closed it should beep, with them opened it should stop beeping indicating that the points are switching the circuit open.

Worth a look through or put a photo on of the points plate for others to see and help with suggestions.

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
Does the C50 have a battery if not is there 6 volts at the coil when ignition is on and kick start operated?

mike the bike:
I believe it does have a battery.  I used to own a C90, which is similar

Have you checked if you have a good earth connection to the frame?

Sent from my moto g(50) using Tapatalk


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