Other Stuff > Tricks & Tips

Honda Badge restoration.

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I don’t Phil but on that particular post which I forgot to reply to, I went off and tracked down that clear gold tint but it’s acrylic so even with a good dollop of petrol safe laquer it would fail fairly soon. Shame as it would have been the dogs too.

There must be anodiser’s up your way surely that would do it? I could ask my pal Lard up in Harrogate see if he could suggest someone? If yer stuck?

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Thanks Roo. I’ll take any leads I can get. I’ve been to two potentials, but the job is either too small or too expensive. I might have to source some new ones, if they exist.

I’ll bell him later bud see what I can find out….he’s generally good for info or knows somebody that is…..

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The metal is what I think is described as Pot Metal, which means essentially junk metal, I'm doing a badge at the moment but currently sidetracked on a set of carbs for a member on here so they've had the gold part done but not the white or black, the gold came out really well. Thinking on about petrol, I may have to lacquer them in satin or matt petrol resistant lacquer when they are finished.

…what’s the gold finish Ken??


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