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Fooked 750K0 gauge possible repair.

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… just outta interest Ash had it all apart today, and found no sign of solid debris within. The cup certainly dragged on the magnet, but in a fluid sort of way, ie my gut feeling was congealed oil or suchlike. Wasn’t too keen on a major strip down @ this early stage, and so simply flooded the cup with WD40 and span it up with a battery drill to mid-range for a couple of mins. All seemed freed up & ok now - so reassembled & back on the bike.

It sure was a delight opening it up / resealing versus the 400F & 750K2 crimp rings…

It's great that you checked it out Simon 'cos sometimes chips of the magnet can get between the magnet and the alloy cup and cause real damage to the mechanism, that is almost impossible to fix if the hairspring gets damaged I asked Peter Horton about this and he says he also sees a few gauges with worn bushes that cause the magnet to contact the alloy cup but I guess yours is fairly new, so at a loss to suggest anything else. Maybe Peter will chip in
 and suggest another cause but hopefully, yours is OK now.


Update: Experimented with a few methods of concentrically joining repair shaft to broken gauge shaft and settled on reaming out an electrical boot lace ferrule  with a 1.82mm reamer.
These tiny precision reamers are typically expensive but this one was only £6 off eBay. Result ... bl@@dy perfect,  tight  push-on fit. Looking like it will be a decent repair method .. will post update later.

Phew! .. possibly saved another mega-rare gauge!  :)

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Nice bit of micro engineering and improvisation there Ash!

Brilliant work Ash, brilliant.


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