Other Stuff > Tricks & Tips
Any tips for cleaning carbon off pistons?
McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
Just an update on Julies & others post absout using thinners to help remove carbon deposits.
Today I tried it on my cylinder head, I was stunned at how effective it was, tbh I was a none believer - now I have seen the light.
I used a stiff circular brush inside the exhaust ports from the manifold end, after two or three applications with a bit of swirling of the brush clean aluminum started to appear! I finished off using a small soft brushing wheel in my drill.
Less effective on the exhaust valves so resorted to putting them in a drill using a Stanley knife blade as the cutting edge against the carbon deposits.
I used a dishwasher tablet in a ultrasound bath they came out pretty clean
McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
--- Quote from: Pauarc on August 14, 2023, 04:41:43 PM ---I used a dishwasher tablet in a ultrasound bath they came out pretty clean
--- End quote ---
Was that on the valves?
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