Other Stuff > Tricks & Tips

How to make a simple tool to remove stuck caliper pistons

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I just it a plug in the banjo bolt hole with a bolt of the same thread and used a cheap grease gun that I use on the digger rams. It fits the Honda bleed valve and just simply pumped it out. The nipple is sacrificial anyway. Worked a treat and didn’t have to construct anything
These ones wouldn’t blow out either, still came out with an audible pop

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Same, even if the greasegun thread just goes one turn in the banjo hole the piston will pop out nicely!

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
I only have a manual grease gun that wastes more grease than it uses to lubricate.

Same principle but I used an old car master cylinder (old Mini) connected via pipe using the hydraulic pressure to push out any seized piston as my manual grease guns never worked.

Pretty sure an old  bike master cylinder would work as well.

Mine’s only a pump up manual one, it’s all in the wrist
Must be

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There are many ways to pop a piston out. No risk of damaging the thread and it can go the the oven for 20 minutes to soften the seal and is easy to attach to a hot caliper.


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