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Did you instruct on the hazards of mercury when the mercury arc rectifiers got broken or scrapped?Heard stories of the floors of control rooms having tiny globules of mercury sloshing about.
Not sure Ken, probably going back to sometime in the 80’s, definately long time ago.
Quote from: Toko_Jo on July 17, 2023, 12:49:50 PMDid you instruct on the hazards of mercury when the mercury arc rectifiers got broken or scrapped?Heard stories of the floors of control rooms having tiny globules of mercury sloshing about.I spent most of my junior nursing career scrabbling around on the floor attempting to pick up mercury from broken thermometers by slipping a piece of paper under the globules. Once achieved, the mercury globules were thrown in the bin. In latter years, we were issued with Mercury spill kits which stopped all the fun.
Lets infect Roo, from all accounts he needs to shed a load of excess weight