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Missing sent messages

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Laverda Dave:
Is anyone having any problems send messages?
I have sent four during the past few days and despite the message dialogue box saying message sent it does not appear in my messages sent box? I thought I may have to log out of the site completely and then log back in to allow the page to refresh but this isn't happening either!
Just wondering if it's just my message folder or is the same happening to others?

Nurse Julie:
All my sent messages are in my sent file Dave.

Are you ticking the "save message" box bottom left before sending Dave ?

Laverda Dave:

--- Quote from: K2-K6 on October 03, 2023, 02:21:48 PM ---Are you ticking the "save message" box bottom left before sending Dave ?

--- End quote ---

Thanks Nigel, that's the problem, I didn't realise I have to hit the save message box 😳

SteveD CB500K0:
Whoever designed that to default to “off” is clearly not a great PM user.

Probably a system admin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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