Other Stuff > Tricks & Tips

Fork Seals 750F2 (Long with pictures) Part 1

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How to do fork seals, An idiot explains

First prop the victim up with front wheel up in the air

Then remove the front calipers by undoing these bolts (14mm Socket) on both sides

I then tend to hook the calipers up out if the way so they don't pull the hoses

Then remove the front wheel. Your bike may have a "F" on the cap, if not I tend to dot punch the fork and the cap to ensure correct orientation and side match. If look carefully you'll see them

Next undo these bolts (13mm socket) on both sides

And place the nuts and washers in a safe place

Next the undo the speedo cable and drop the wheel out.

The mudguard is held with 4 bolts inside the mudguard. Mine were 10mm socket size with a lock washer and a penny washer

The mudguard will then remove toward the engine. Then undo (but not remove) the bottom pinch bolt (14mm socket)

Then the top one (10mm socket)

Then the fork leg will remove downwards to leave you with next picture

So this is what you should have about now

So we now transfer the leg to a vice or a workmate or something

Then looking up the end where the spindle lived you see this

Its a 6mm allen bolt that needs to be undone and removed

Then drain the fork leg into a suitable receptacle

On mine I had drain screws so I used them

Now pull the leg apart and you should have this

Transfer the bottom of the leg to your vice/workmate and remove the dust cover by putting a screwdriver under it and gently lifting

Next remove the C clip as shown here

All you need to do is put a screwdriver in the gap and gently lift it out

Next remove the seal the same way you did the dustcover. Then wipe the bit where the seal sits and insert the new seal.

Wrong way up

Right way up


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