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black bomber Rectifier change

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mo goldie:
Hi Guy`s

very new to the black Bomber and new to here so be gentle.

I have just got a 1967 bomber and been trying to fix as many problems as I can, one being the ign to change this out for electronic ign so went for the "Shockwave" Electronic Ignition from COMMON MOTOR COLLECTIVE as i am in the UK I have to wait for it to get here, but they say to change the rectifier as it could damage there system..... they also say to make sure the coils have  coils a minimum resistance of 3.5 ohms. but don't know how to test them to see that but they are a new set on the bike..... but the thing is I need to take out the old rectifier and don't know how to wire in the new....its this one if you can see it ?

do anyone know which wire go`s where please ...... as I say I am new to here and the Black bomber so keep it easy lol

Cheers Mo

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
Have you tried the link on the Common Motor Collective site at a glance it appears to cover the wiring of the combined unit in some detail?

Have you checked the coils for any markings if they are branded you might be able to obtain the coil specs from the manufacturer?

This chap is the one you want  by to go to he has everything.

Email him with what you need and they’ll mail you back super quick. Used him 4 times and every time, second to none.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yellow to Yellow (AC)
Brown to Pink (AC)
Red/White To Red (positive output)
Green to Green (Ground)

That's old wiring colours to new rectifier colours

The original rectifier was selenium and you are changing to silicon which is much more reliable and does not deteriorate with age, Most 50 + year old seleniums are very leaky and will discharge battery when the engine is off. That's if they work at all.
Later 450's and CB250/350K's etc had a voltage clamp unit to prevent over-voltage/over charging by dumping excess charge to ground., I can explain how to fit one if you are interested. There are tons of used ones around .

Manuals here in my Dropbox links if you don't have already.


HONDA CB450K0 Black Bomber Shop Manual

CB450 DOHC Shop Manual 1968 5-Speed

CB450 K0 Black Bomber Parts Manual

CB450K0 CB450P Late Parts Manual

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
Wow Ash your depth & width of knowledge is brilliant.👍👍👍


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