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400/4 Cam Chain tensioner.
--- Quote from: McCabe-Thiele (Ted) on October 29, 2023, 09:11:08 PM ---I too looked at the not inexpensive alloy type tensioner when rebuilding my 400. It appears that the original type just seizes up through lack of being moved/adjusted during servicing. Mine freed off quite easily so I did not replace it.
Not convinced that for all the difference in construction the pivot would not still gum up over time. Be interesting to read/see the evidence of how the alloy design stands up over time.
That said it does look a nicely engineered part.
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I believe its likely victim of oil from that period getting quite sticky, tar like when subjected to high heat range that's present. It's seen in the twins too from crankshaft oil ways clogged with carbonised oil centrifuged into it's nooks and crannies.
Oils are all, I believe, better currently. But one area that synthetic easily outperforms traditional blends.
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