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400/4 Cam Chain tensioner.
McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
I too looked at the not inexpensive alloy type tensioner when rebuilding my 400. It appears that the original type just seizes up through lack of being moved/adjusted during servicing. Mine freed off quite easily so I did not replace it.
Not convinced that for all the difference in construction the pivot would not still gum up over time. Be interesting to read/see the evidence of how the alloy design stands up over time.
That said it does look a nicely engineered part.
Ted, i think it was more that Honda discontinued the original steel one which gets battered by the camchain if left loose and that burred the pivot pins, siezing it solid
McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
--- Quote from: Bryanj on October 29, 2023, 11:22:43 PM ---Ted, i think it was more that Honda discontinued the original steel one which gets battered by the camchain if left loose and that burred the pivot pins, siezing it solid
--- End quote ---
Will an alloy horseshoe stand up any better to such battering as the steel original Bryan or is it just a case of there is now no alternative?
It was developed by TTR400 on this forum who does lots of 400 goodies so i would hope so but also yes its the only one
Nurse Julie:
As Bryan says, Kevin, TTR400 designed and manufactures them. Kevin rides all around the world on his 400/4, covering thousands of miles, so the product is well tried and tested. I know Kevin sells his products via David Silver and 4 into 1 in USA so I bet there is a huge number of his cam horseshoes in use around the world.
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