Other Stuff > Desperately Seeking!!

400/4 cam chain bar

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i'm looking for a cam chain bar does anyone know where i could find one

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):

--- Quote from: gaz172 on November 15, 2023, 07:00:40 PM ---i'm looking for a cam chain bar does anyone know where i could find one

--- End quote ---

I assume you mean the tensioner(s) DS used to list them iirc.

If you have a look on the CMSNL site - Honda - CBFours - CB 400 and see if you can find the description and part number of what you need, then one of us might have something. Or as Ted says, DS might have something,

Nurse Julie:
It's the push bar, p/n14550333000
I've had a look here but haven't got any left.

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McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
Ah the plunger rod might be worth checking with Steve on 400fourbits he has a lot of odd stuff.


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