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CD175 Sloper build


A friend up here bought an unfinished CD175 project a couple of years ago and has asked if I will make it into a runner.  There is quite a bit missing of course and I know some stuff is unobtainium.  Although it looks like someone has made a nice shiny job of some of it, attention to detail is poor and it looks like the engine has been painted in one big lump so heaven knows what's lurking inside.
Anyway, on with the pleas!  I would like to actually see if it runs before I go much further but it will need a kickstart and gear lever - any out there - even rough ones?

I can rig an ignition source with other 12volt stuff temporarily and there is a reasonably good carb.

Any help would be appreciated. I'll make a list of missing bits later in the vain hope that someone has at least some of it in their stash


Ian, you are aware the CD175 was 6v?

Hi Matt,
Yes, I had one for a while but as I don't have any 6 volt coils here, only 12 I would only be using the contact breaker unit and coils to produce a spark then it doesn't matter.  It's only to get the engine running - no other electrics connected.


Understood. I have just got a CD175 but will convert mine to 12v in due course. This one has not been on the road since 1993....

Hi Matt,
This one might end up 12volt too but I have to hear it run first.  I'm hopeful that there are more bits available lurking my friends garage somewhere - he can't remember exactly what was included in various boxes when he first bought it all!  I know that I'll end up sourcing stuff that he will find later - why do I never learn?



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