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Crich Tramway CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE DAY... 2024

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Nurse Julie:
The Crich classic bike day will be on Sunday July 7th 2024.
Registration will be open early spring 2024, I'll let you know when it's open. I will liaise with Jon Lambley again to sort out a dedicated area for Honda CB SOHC/4's.

Laverda Dave:
Excellent, something to aim the completion of the rat bike resto for :)

Nurse Julie:
Online booking for Crich Classic Bike day is now open. Myself and Trig won't be able to go this year as we'll be elsewhere. For those that are intending to go, do you want me to book an area just for Honda CB SOHC 4'S, like I have done in the past, or do you want to park up with the masses?

if you could julie got my number today 64 can't print it off like last year iv'e printed the  i will miss not seeing you and trig


--- Quote from: hondarc166 on April 03, 2024, 05:46:50 PM ---if you could julie got my number today 64 can't print it off like last year iv'e printed the  i will miss not seeing you and trig

--- End quote ---

Julie I am 349


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