Try our new info resource - "Aladdin's Cave" (Main menu)Just added a separate link to Ash's Dropbox thread (shortcut)
Hi,I think a few of us up her would be up for it - I'm away mid May to early June but OK rest of time,Ian
That’s 450 miles from me. But only 20 miles from Little Dunkeld, which is where my great grandfather was from. One day I will visit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
only 200 miles for mile. quite doable if i come up the night before.....
Just checked diary! I’m free! Definitely up for that! Just looking for an excuse to go a little further on the bike.😜
I'd be looking to come too, that would be great 😃 Hubert
Hi Gareth,If all goes to plan I will be back in plenty of time from my little jaunt to Germany and Austria on the Forza, so should be able to use the 550 for the trip. I think I might stay somewhere nearby for a night either side. How long were you planning on staying after we've all got fed and watered? I could probably stay at my Sister's place in Aberdeenshire and catch the Ferry home the next dayIan