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How do I value a Maicoletta Scooter?

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Lovely bit of history there Ted and great pics,
Leeds/West Riding of White Rose (God's own) Country plate you've mentioned on the CB 77.


Laverda Dave:
Were you off to work in the first photo Ted. No armoured clothing in those days!
The Honda looks lovely, bet you wish you still had it.

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
TBH as a student I could not afford a Belstaff or proper riding gear back in the day. I was at the local Tech now Derby University. My winter gloves were a huge pair of brown gauntlets that my Dad gave me I suspect they were ex-AA or RAC.

The jacket was a short Gortex type a sort of bubble finish - never had a Parka with or without a Union Jack. I had some old blue waterproof trousers with bib & shoulder straps for wet weather. It was only an eight mile each way journey - the colder it was the slower I went to avoid the wind chill factor.

Oddly enough out of the two it's the Maico I hanker for most - VRM no longer listed on DVLA - it is now a 60 or so year old scooter.

I belive it was Jo Kagan later Barron Kagan under Harold Wison who was often photographed in his beige Gortex coat made by Kagans Company.

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):

--- Quote from: McCabe-Thiele (Ted) on February 10, 2024, 11:04:02 PM ---A bike has come up for sale a restored Maico but how on  earth do I work out it's  actual value when there are so few on the market?
It's up for offers over £4,000 looks very tidy in the photo - that said it's not popular on the used market like the 400 for example. Fewer nostalgic owners too as there were not many in the UK.

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Now sold temptation removed thank goodness - until I see another!

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):

--- Quote from: Orcade-Ian on February 20, 2024, 01:06:39 PM ---Lovely bit of history there Ted and great pics,
Leeds/West Riding of White Rose (God's own) Country plate you've mentioned on the CB 77.


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Correct Ian it was first registered in Leeds/Bradford area iirc.


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