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Welcome Don. As said, a new look is a great way to sort electrical issues...


--- Quote from: Matt_Harrington on February 12, 2024, 08:29:35 AM ---Welcome Don. As said, a new look is a great way to sort electrical issues...

--- End quote ---

Paul, how gig a space will this heater heat? Any moisture issues?

paul G:
           Mine is a standard size garage but with an extension in the side, triangular like a wedge of cheese.
About 10 feet at the top end down to a point at the door.
I don't have any moisture issues but the roof is well insulated, makes it warm enough to work with a fleece on, no gloves or hat and no cold fingers  ;D
10 minutes on full and then down to middle setting it has used nearly a litre of diesel in about 2.5 hours.
I got the idea from the boats we hire on the broads 36ft by 12ft and they keep it nice and toasty.

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
I believe some of these units if not all have an exhhausts that vents to the outside so no issues with condensate from the fuel burning.

Interesting - will investigate further....thanks


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