Forums > CB750

Battery oximiser

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That's the plug. I find they are fine for the first dozen or so times they're connected up, but they steadily get bent or loosened in the plastic and get more and more difficult to get a solid connection.

But I like the unit itself. Never a problem with the battery and also a very simple display.

If it begins to give trouble I will just change the plug and socket

Do batteries drain when not being used I was thinking about putting a kill switch under seat for when the bike is not being used any thoughts on it

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):

--- Quote from: Pauarc on March 07, 2024, 11:03:56 AM ---Do batteries drain when not being used I was thinking about putting a kill switch under seat for when the bike is not being used any thoughts on it

--- End quote ---

All batteries drain over time even when disconnected - the voltage rate loss over time for lead acid is higher than that of AMG ones who hold the voltage higher for longer.

As the battery becomes older due to Sulphination of the plates inside the rate of voltage loss increases.  - so they go flat quicker.

If you have to top up battery does that shorten the battery life my bat is only a year old and I had to top it up yesterday with distilled water they were just above the minimum


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