Forums > CB750

Battery oximiser

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The 2 pin connectors on the Oximizers are rubbish. I’ve had my Fireblade on trickle charge for the last 6 months and didn’t realise there was a bad connection on it so it didn’t maintain the battery.

Now I have a battery that’s dead and won’t charge because the bike alarm has drained it completely.

I’ve re wired the Oximizer with the parts from Amazon below, cable on the left just cut one end off and soldered it the the Oximizer pcb.
Way better connection.

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):
The C-Tek tells you if there is either a connection fault or reverse connection via the LED lights, more LED's  also shows you charging at what stage it is at plus when its on pulse maintainance charge.

Does the Oximiser have a Recondition mode that will bring even the flatest battery to eventually take charge - might take 12 hours but it does work on my C-Tek.

Today I had to remove the battery from my 400 as I could not see the electrolyte level through the white opaque casing without some back lighting.


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