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Electric vehicle.

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We have all I’m sure like myself had plenty to comment about ev’s, so I thought in order to qualify for a proper appraisal I would have to be an ev owner. I have until very short ago myself said that I wouldn’t have an ev because of the price, but since I got the offer of one for the same price as a petrol/diesel I thought why not! These have certainly come down in price significantly. So ferry booked away with vehicle to trade in and did the deal. I must admit this didn’t seem right that I was going to drive the 130 mls home just relying on a charged battery! Set off anyway after killing a couple of hours in Inverness with 212mls on the range indicator. I was a bit stressed watching the range indicator heading up the road but my fears were allayed when I arrived at ferry check in with 80 miles still “in the tank” or whatever us ev owners say. Very pleased to arrive home and hadn’t really given much thought into how I was going to charge this thing up when I got home. A trip to Lidl the next day and I was charged up again. I’m probably just going to slow charge from home as we will be doing somewhere in the region of 3000mls an year. Nearly all short runs around town. Forgot to mention it’s a Peugeot e2008. GT, and had 673mls on the clock at purchase, so not brand new. Time will tell, but very happy so far. 😁

That's what they are best at Johnny, short trips around town. Sounds like an EV is perfect for you. If you do the odd long road trip you can always borrow/hire a car.

My company is trying to push us towards ev’s at the moment. As I do around 200 miles a day I will point blank refuse and if it means seeking alternative employment then so be it. I’m not doing a full days work then having to stop to charge up before I can get home.
If I worked at a fixed location within a reasonable distance from home then it would be ideal.

I think my biggest gripe with EV's is that the powers that be are trying to force them upon us.

My wife has a 2023 Jazz Hybrid ..  complicated yea but does 67 mpg even around town and lovely car to drive without any nasty laggy CVT gearbox to contend with and she can go to Leeds and back each week with journeys whilst she's there, without worrying about charging. So don't think we will ever go EV. A guy at work try to tempt us into buying a Renault Zoe but even the 55kW version of that would be borderline doing that weekly journey without charging. Probably OK for you though Johnnie if you just do short local journeys.


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