Ah yes, the joys of LED's. I changed virtually every bulb to LED on the 400, plus a digital flasher unit so the indicators would operate at the correct rate irrespective of bulb type. I was so pleased that I carried out the same task on the GB250. All was well until I operated the indicators, signalled left, both left units flashed, along with front right, whilst the rear right had little hiccups!!! It transpired that the 250 only has a single shared warning light, so if you signal left it earths through the right hand system, and vice versa. With filament bulbs the amount of current running to earth is insufficient to operate the remaing bulbs, but LED's only need the minutest amount to illuminate, so I had to rig up seprate warning lights. It can be overcome by fitting one-way diodes but I did not know about these until the job had been done.