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--- Quote from: Oldbuthopeful on May 10, 2011, 11:39:23 PM --- but I still get the feeling that the wheel is offset to the offside.  Doesn't this suggest that I might still have the wrong swingarm ?
--- End quote ---
You posted in your first post that the wheels had been rebuilt. It's possible that the rear could have been laced incorrectly. I have heard of instances of this occurring even with professional wheel builders. I would check this first before committing to another swing arm.
You should be able to spread the fork ends by another 5 mm.


No, it has the open fork ends with removal adjuster 'stops'.

That rules out it being an "F" swingarm then, Souonds like it might be bent to me

For a basic alignment check you can mount the wheel and sprocket into the frame and put a chain on without the chain gaurd, this should give you at least a first level sighting to assess basic wheel alignment to the frame.

Oh and cross check it to the front wheel as well.

If you have to "reshape it" yourself then a trolly jack between the ends should persuade it but you'd have to satisfy yourself of no kinking or structural damage afterwards. As far as I understand it this is not a heat treatable material so should be able to take a small correction with no problems ocurring and the overall structure when all bolted up is a fairly stable and failsafe one so sensible inspection when back in use would give you peace of mind.

Thanks for all the input, guys.
I'll have a look at the spoke lacing tomorrow.  So you're saying it could account for the perceived offset if it's wrong ?  The outfit that did the wheels are more at home with British classics than Jap ones, so who knows  !

Right, so it's not an 'F'  -  that's reassuring.

Finally, I like the suggestion that it'll tweak or spring by 5mm or so.  I can actually move it by hand a bit but of course it springs back.
I've got a hefty bottle jack and will set that up to give it some 'persuasion'.

I like the chain idea to check the alignment, also the wheel check but as yet, the motor's not in the frame, so the chain's a non-starter but as soon as I get the back wheel in I'll set up a long straightedge.

Many thanks once again.  Usual disclaimers accepted.

Oh, talking of disclaimers, can I mention great service I've had recently from Westfield Fasteners for stainless bolts and from UK Bearings for small quantities of shims in various thicknesses.  No connections and usual disclaimers !


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