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Caliper paint removal and steering bearings?


Hi everyone could you help me out with what to use to remove the old crappy and may i say tough paint off of the front calipers of a cb650z..
Also should i go for tapered head stock bearings or fit original roller type?
If you think i should use tapered where do i get them or do i need them from another model?
Thanks in advance everyone

I would use the citra paint remover. It works great and doesn't stink and is all natural. I've used it on a ton of stuff on my 500. I also swapped my steering bearings out for tapered ones. What a difference. It is a little tricky getting old ones out and new ones in. Requires a blow dryer and a freezer. Freeze the race for about a half and hour and heat up the tube a bit with a blow dryer to get them in. Worked great for me. I got mine at http://www.allballsracing.com/   They have bearings for pretty much everything. Hope this helps


Me being stupid probably but why do you need to heat shaft and frreze bearing i would have thought the other way round??
Where do i  get citra from?

heat the tube so it expands and freeze the races (not bearings) so they shrink. It will make the job alot easier. We've done it on a few bikes here in brooklyn. Any hardware store you can pick up the citrus stripper. Its bright orange and non-toxic.


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