General > Humour

Good publicity?


A particularly large and hairy arsed Biker was roaring through town on
his immense Harleyon a sunny afternoon, when he saw an aged Nun
trying to cross the road before him.
Each time she tried to cross, yet another car sped by making her jump
back to the safety of the pavement. In the blink of an eye the Biker
screeched to a halt,parked his Hog and then walked to the middle of
the road whereupon he raised his huge hands to stop the traffic both
ways, so the old woman could cross.
As she reached the middle of the road he grabbed her arm and carefully
led her to the safety of the pavement.
"Young man" the Nun said "You have revived my faith in human nature"
The biker looked down at her and smiled kindly and said "its okay love,
any friend of Batman is a friend of mine!"

Bitsa (Ralph Wright - RIP):
This is what I do after a good ride on the bike

Bitsa (Ralph Wright - RIP):
In my dreams cushty


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