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UK Pete:

Flipping heck amazing...you know this Steve Baumann guy?

UK Pete:
No i found this on the z1 forum

Looks like you have a few more bikes to collect Pete before you get to this guys collection  ;), you could lose hours in there  8) cheers Mick.

UK Pete:
Up the cafe last Sunday someone was shit stirring and was saying to my missis how do you put up with all his bikes, then said to her how many has he got , her reply was 24 she said this without hesitation, I said do me a favour its not that many I sold 3 last year
She then pointed out I had also bought 3 this year
There was me thinking she was  a bit thick and did not have a clue what I was up to , but oh no she was .spot on I counted up and it is 24
They ain't silly are they, anyway I am at my limit ,possibly just squeeze one morem in  ;D ;D


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