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Engine Looks Great

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Piki, oxidation has nothing to do with the climate, well a little bit. It is down to oxygen that the aluminum reacts to. It is always better to seal a engine with paint after it has been cleaned.
I did a full chrome on a water cooled engine some years ago now. The bloody thing kept over heating. The chrome was like having a engine wrapped in a blanket.

Bitsa (Ralph Wright - RIP):
Dont believe you got caught with that one mind you I bet you have chromed a 50 pence bit in your time.

Bitsa, it was done as a show engine. When i sold the bike, i informed the buyer that it had a overheating problem. He said, never mind i will take the thermostat out. So i left it with him.

Bitsa (Ralph Wright - RIP):
Brill like clients like that


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