General > Announcements

'BITSA' Ralph Wright- R.I.P.

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Wow what a shock . Lost for words really. Never knew he was seriously ill
RIP mate.

Sad day,indeed. :(
R.I.P. Bitsa.


This has shocked me...

Countless times he has helped me.

Rest In Peace fella, send best wishes to family please

sad loss


SteveD CB500K0:
I'll miss him.

Every forum needs it's characters.


Very sad news indeed - as the number of posts today show, BITSA was a fella who touched many people on this brilliant Forum. Whether you liked him or not and whether you shared his views or not, it was obvious that he had a deep passion for what we all share, and he will be sadly missed. I haven't been a member of the Forum for long, but I enjoyed his humour, his knowledge and enthusiasm - end even his cantankerous rants. I hope that the Forum can send a small tribute to his family to express our deep sympathy for their loss. RIP Ralph.


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