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Messages - Orcade-Ian

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 76
CB500/550 / Re: Degreaser Recommendations
« on: September 14, 2024, 09:16:12 AM »
Now there's a thought!
Wonder if Jolly Gordon fancies becoming our local BH stockist? He's always up for a challenge and I'm sure others will see how good their products are.  Will speak when I get back from our adventures,

CB500/550 / Re: Degreaser Recommendations
« on: September 14, 2024, 08:17:34 AM »
I don't know of anywhere in Orkney and always go direct and there's always other stuff I need (check out Ferrosol and Deox-C) The postage costs are not bad but if you want stuff from them, give me or Donnie or Erlend H a shout first, we all use their stuff - we might be able to split postage costs.


Recommended Sources for Parts and Services / Re: ultrasonic cleaners
« on: September 14, 2024, 08:07:36 AM »
A useful tip I was given some years ago is to put anything you don't want to share the tank fluid with, into a container with new fluid (large jam jar perhaps?) and put that into the tank fluid.  The ultrasonic action is not affected by the glass.  You can even use other more aggressive cleaners within the jar without having to change the tank fluid - just using the tank fluid as a 'carrier' to the component.  Always works for me!


Misc / Open / Re: Rear wheel spindle surface rust on the 400.
« on: September 13, 2024, 08:52:12 PM »
Er, no!
I was disgusted with it, so shoved it into the corner of the workshop and left it there.  I will get 'around tuit' but I know it's a deep fault - more than just an ABS wheel sensor.  The ABS ecu doesn't even send blink codes.  A friend up here has broken an early face-lift car with most of the right bits - mine is one of the last 'pre face-lift models, so there are crossover parts.  I have done a bit more careful detailing meantime. It's an '89 V12 convertible with fewer than 20k on the clock, so worth at least 4s 6d.


CB500/550 / Re: Degreaser Recommendations
« on: September 13, 2024, 07:21:02 PM »
Glad that you are happy with the result Mike,
I've been using it for a good few years now and would never go back to solvent cleaners.  A farmer friend came round recently for a job on his Manitou which was caked in grease and cow shite.  After we had finished, our hands were filthy - 'Wash em in the parts washer' was my comment.  He thought it was a wind up as the fluid looked filthy but we both ate the sandwiches Christine had made with hands that looked like we had never done a day's work in our lives - he too was suitably impressed.
 I do this regularly and never suffer from splits or cracks like I did with solvent cleaners.  As we've said, B H have some fantastic products - not cheap but excellence never is!


Misc / Open / Re: Rear wheel spindle surface rust on the 400.
« on: September 13, 2024, 04:58:34 PM »
no paint, rub n buff applied with a toothbrush direct to the bare cleaned alloy casting.  It goes a hell of a long way - would have used far less than one tenth of a tube on that box.  Just keep applying a VERY tiny amount to the brush and keep working it in.  It's fantastic on cast alloy as you can see.


Also did the front brake calipers on the XJ-S after stripping, pickling in Bilt hamber Deox-C then sprayed with their Electrox followed by rub n buff - it's bullshit in a tube!

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Misc / Open / Re: Rear wheel spindle surface rust on the 400.
« on: September 13, 2024, 01:01:29 PM »
As it contains carnauba wax you not only get a decent finish but it's got a bit of protection too.  Not difficult to re-apply as and when but it seems to last well, even over Orcadian winters!

30 year old scruffy BMW boxer gearbox, stripped, cleaned, new gear-change springs and seals, then the rub n buff!

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CB500/550 / Re: Rear hub d ring.
« on: September 13, 2024, 10:50:49 AM »
That's a disappointment - I wasn't aware they had a place in Lanarkshire.  Wonder if my original contact is still there in West Midlands?  Anyway, you tried!


Misc / Open / Re: Rear wheel spindle surface rust on the 400.
« on: September 13, 2024, 10:16:49 AM »
If you clean off the oil and grease residues, then apply Rub N Buff (silver leaf) with a toothbrush it will protect it and with a light hand buff will look almost original.


CB500/550 / Re: CB550 refurb
« on: September 09, 2024, 09:04:45 AM »
Signed up Steve!
Will order some pods and grounds when we return from yet another Germany/Austria trip - hope they don't bend me over a coffee pot with the delivery charge to Orkney!

Sorry for the hi-jacking Johnny - I'll buy you a chocamoccalatteatata next time I see you!

'It's an ill wind......'


CB500/550 / Re: CB550 refurb
« on: September 08, 2024, 03:14:12 PM »
No Ted, it's folk of our age methinks - we remember when 'Camp' coffee was the only option and now, apparently it means summat different!

CB500/550 / Re: CB550 refurb
« on: September 08, 2024, 12:57:48 PM »
Great job Johnny, no wonder you escaped early from the gathering yesterday, with the excitement  of another wheel to build!

Think I’ll have a caramel latte macchiato.😜

Fed up with all these 73 options - just give me a bloody cup of coffee will yer?  The 'barista' was not amused!


CB500/550 / Re: Degreaser Recommendations
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:57:16 PM »
Hi Mike,
If you have already got rid of the bad stuff, then you might not need to use it neat.  There are instructions with the product and on-line but you can always call them to discuss - they are very helpful.  I have it about 1:20 in the parts washer - it's even stripped off the insides of the washer tank paint over time.


CB500/550 / Re: Degreaser Recommendations
« on: September 05, 2024, 03:29:39 PM »
Definitely with James on this one, I've been using Surfex HD in the parts washer and also in the ultrasonic tank - excellent stuff.  Worth checking out their many other car and bike products but make sure you end up on their site - there are others selling BH products that come up first when googled (cos they're paying!) and are more expensive of course!
I have no connection with the company - other than being very satisfied customer but Pete Hamber and his team are first class.


CB500/550 / Re: Rear hub d ring.
« on: September 04, 2024, 05:48:55 PM »
Hi Johnny,
Might be a bit of a long shot but I had special seals made for my Lake and Elliot trolley jack - different material but you never know.

They were extremely helpful and many others have used their services using the link on my site.  I only bought 2 of the specials and some other 'off the shelf' seals.

They are Barnwell Services ( - might be worth an email or call and I'm sure that if they can help it could be useful to others.


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