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Messages - mo goldie

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Member 4 Sales / Re: CB400 YELLOW
« on: August 07, 2024, 10:31:54 PM »
Yes i agree Ted that's how I look at it.............Not the worth but the fun and the fact that they keep me young...well sort of ha LOl

Other Bikes / Re: where to go for a really good chrome plates
« on: August 05, 2024, 07:51:25 PM »
They Look Great Steve....

Hope mine will look that good  ;D

Other Bikes / Re: where to go for a really good chrome plates
« on: August 01, 2024, 07:42:25 PM »
Hi All

Well an update on my Exhaust and Brake leaver.

I finally got in contact with the people who done them when I got Knocked off my bike nearly 3 years ago now (wheres the time gone)

well anyway they are Castle Chrome who done them and I had a word with the lady there who are doing it along with the Brake leaver and they will be put into the pipe line next week she told me so fingers crossed ha.... also the price I was quoted was £200 for the Exhaust but the leaver they wanted £60 had a word again with her to say more like £30 so they said will see what they can do... but she was a lovely lady to talk to so if you want any Chrome work done have a word with her to see what they can do for you... Drop My name in I don`t mind lol here's the place below.





Project Board / Re: 1967 CB450K0 Black Bomber Rebuild - By Royhall
« on: August 01, 2024, 07:27:20 PM »
I can get hold of a pair of T500 carbs... so will see how bike go`s tomorrow as out with a few mates and one is a T500 which he just got on the road, and he has the Carbs so will keep that in mind............ BUT like Ash I like to keep it with what it was made with ( Even tho they are a pain in the ass ) and like Roy said it don`t take much to upset the running of the bike being weather related or mixture related, anyway I will see how she go`s tomorrow fingers crossed  ;D

if you do go down the route Roy with the Mikuni Carbs can you please keep us all updated on where you got them and how much the Kit cost and if it has helped.... I here they is a few changes to be made to fit them as the kit don't come with all the parts needed to do the Job.......but that's what I read anyway.

Project Board / Re: 1967 CB450K0 Black Bomber Rebuild - By Royhall
« on: July 30, 2024, 11:24:57 PM »
Hi Roy

I sure do know where your coming from with the problems with running rich. I went out on mine sunday as just fixed a left carb bowl from leaking for the 5th time. I have done everything from Flattening the float Bowl checking the float Hight, also tried allsorts of gasket seal,
anyway get back to the ride it was going Great for the first 5 miles then it started to splutter and nearly thought I was going to have to call out the Breakdown van. anyway I managed to get home... next day striped the left carb and found loads of the silicone all in the bowl and it blocked all the jets too ..... so after cleaning that all out and putting it in my Uatsonic for a deep clean put a very very thin layer of a new type of silicone on and left that over night and put it back on and went out for anther ride this afternoon and it was popping and banging a bit on that left side so pulled over tweaked the mixture screw and no more popping and it did all run fine..... I will take the spark plugs out tomorrow see what they look like ?

Getting back to what you say about the air filters ..... i did put a bit on a thread a while ago to say what I had done to mine, all the paper folds were so dirty I decided to cut them all out and put in Foam as well so all good there now,

Not thought about leaving the plastic box part out but yes might help with the rich running let us Know how it go`s without that on, also if it do make a lot of sucking sounds without that Ha

One more thing they seem to be one bike that Needs All the attention and one minute it runs lovely the next you think it is like an 60`s TV and need a slap to get the picture back ha..... well I must admit I do love riding it tho LOL  ;D         

The Black Bomber Board / Re: Bomber Fastener Woes
« on: July 22, 2024, 06:44:20 PM »
I had a look for that other Alt case and it is the same one as is on there now Ash, pity at least that would have made it a bit More complete ha

The Black Bomber Board / Re: Bomber Fastener Woes
« on: July 19, 2024, 08:36:49 PM »
Are Ok Ash

I will leave as is then ;D

yes and they are loud horns too ha, I have one more cover but that is a bit scratched up I will see if I can get it out without going over the top trying to polish it out as some people do.

the other thing you asked was the silencers yes they are DS and they do sound great on the over run when you come in to a corner and shut down ..... also I took the baffles out and drilled a few more holes in them Not made it to loud but it do make it even better on that shut down  ;D

Oh the other thing the indicators I made up some S/tubes on the lathe and found some indicators that looked close to Honda`s ones just to be a bit safer .......... and I don`t think they look to much out of place.

The Black Bomber Board / Re: Bomber Fastener Woes
« on: July 19, 2024, 07:23:03 PM »
Hi Thanks everyone I tried My best  ;D

are ok Ash I did Not know that the leaver was wrong or the case........... I wonder if anyone has them parts I could get hold of to put that right ?



just seen this and I see they are wrong Now  :-[

The Black Bomber Board / Re: Bomber Fastener Woes
« on: July 17, 2024, 11:46:21 PM »
Thanks dave

Went out today for a 30 mile trip for a coffee go`s a Treat.

loads of people don't even know what it is..... one bloke today said what is it..........he had a Triumph T shirt on and was about 50 he should Know ha   ;D

The Black Bomber Board / Re: Bomber Fastener Woes
« on: July 17, 2024, 06:15:43 PM »
are yeah ..... Thats Mine and my mates lol
 :D :D

Not Great pictures as old phone  :-[

The Black Bomber Board / Re: Bomber Fastener Woes
« on: July 16, 2024, 11:56:53 PM »
Hi Ash

Well that's great you got all the bikes and bits out ha.......... I look forward to all your build...... Funny enough I was out Dave silvers on saturday we went out me on My 67` bomber and my two mates one on a CB77 and his dad On a CL305.

I have still got to take some pictures of the Bomber Ash as I did say I would show you some when I finished it...... still got a few running probs but other than that she is Great and I love riding it.

Other Bikes / Re: where to go for a really good chrome plates
« on: July 03, 2024, 06:19:59 PM »
Hi Ash

Yes they will when I can find a chromer to do it ..the Exhaust that is as the Brake leaver is Not the problem.... and the leaver is only having to be re chromed as when I got Knocked off my Kawaka it was chromed but its peeling off  :-\

This is what I got back today from Ashford Chrome.

 Dear Maurice

Many thanks for your enquiry, however we can not help on this occasion.

This may be due to your request for the following:

Exhaust Systems

Fork Stanchions (They require Hard Chrome Plating, a service we do not provide)

Fuel or Oil Tanks (Contamination risk)

Silver Plating (We no longer offer this service)

Alloy or full wheels

Item is made of plastic

Thank you and best of luck,

Oh well what can I say to that then  :'(

Other Bikes / Re: where to go for a really good chrome plates
« on: July 02, 2024, 11:40:57 PM »
well I did get a price of £250 ish so Not so bad ha.

But here is My Exhaust and Brake leaver and they don`t need any repair Well Not that I can see anyway.... and have No dents just need stripping and a light polish and re-chromed.

Other Bikes / Re: where to go for a really good chrome plates
« on: July 01, 2024, 07:36:17 PM »
oh just had this come back...what a shock  :-[

Thanks for the enquiry.

With regard to the items that you wish to have re-plated, as you can appreciate it is impossible to give a precise quote
without seeing and handling the parts. So the best that we can do is give a starting guide price. The actual price will
be dependent on a number of things such as the quality of the base metal, type of metal, any repairs which may need doing and other factors.
With this in mind, a starting guide price would be:

KH400 Exhaust @ £325.00

Brake Lever @ £40.00

Current lead time @ 6 - 8 weeks

All prices are plus any Pack & Post/Courier and plus VAT at the current rate.

Kind Regards
S & T Electroplate

Other Bikes / Re: where to go for a really good chrome plates
« on: June 27, 2024, 11:45:00 PM »
Thanks guy`s

Just found them but they seem to be a lot of money..... they want £250 for the Exhaust plus Vat ..... and £28 plus Vat for the rear brake Leaver.

Are I think they are the ones that Steve said about too ?

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