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Topics - Athame57

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Misc / Open / Ram Air
« on: April 07, 2024, 12:23:27 PM »
For a few months I rode a GT380, the only air cooled two stroke I ever had. Anyone got an opinion if it made any difference or was it just a gimmick?  :-\

CB350/400 / Loop on footrest
« on: April 06, 2024, 07:42:34 AM »
What does that loop on the right footrest assembly actually do?  :-\

CB350/400 / Missing Horn Stay?
« on: April 05, 2024, 10:39:57 PM »
I seem to have come across another missing part on my bike, unless it applies to Japanese market only or something?  :-\ I don't have this horn stay on my bike which has the horn forward facing.

Misc / Open / Oil temperature gauge
« on: April 05, 2024, 12:02:50 AM »
I spotted this oil temperature gauge for the CB400F on the Yamiya site, if my guess is correct it fits where the dipstick otherwise would sit. Has anyone got one, is it worth investing in?

CB350/400 / Carb overflow tube size
« on: March 26, 2024, 08:57:45 PM »
Before I go get it wrong on Ebay again, are the four carb overflow tubes on the CB400F 3.5 mm in diameter as per the inside?

CB350/400 / Seized clutch adjuster bolt.
« on: March 25, 2024, 05:49:58 PM »
I've got a seized clutch adjuster bolt meaning I couldn't fit and adjust a new cable as per book. My clutch is working ok but engaging rather late. My efforts to release the clutch adjuster bolt from it's hole in the clutch cover had me go blue in the face before... Banzai ..I had twisted clean in half a socket reducer.  :o
Thing is maybe this had saved me from stripping the thread in the clutch housing itself. The question is if that ends up happening when I get this sorted can it be fixed with an insert?

Misc / Open / Stop/Tail light issue....electrical genius needed..
« on: March 21, 2024, 12:33:02 PM »
I've discovered my tail light is on even when the headlamp is off and the brake light from the lever isn't working. I've checked everything under the tail light mount is plugged in and colour matched, all three wires are. Also did some twiddling about with the stop light switch no result. What on earth could be causing this.  :-\

Misc / Open / Fingers crossed....
« on: March 19, 2024, 03:58:54 PM »
Today I got Elen, my beloved 400/4 back from her engine rebuild  ;D . It took a while because of unforeseen things mostly, but what irritated me was that from the start I asked them to check the condition of my primary chain, which they said was ok when I rang in. But later they rang me to say they had to open her up again because the more senior mechanic from their main shop said the engine still had noises that can't be ignored, the primary needed to be changed.  ::) Also the clutch cushes where worn with too much movement. Well, I got a primary from DSS and a whole nice condition clutch from Steve at 400four bits. Top gear on countershaft had wear in it but after discussion on here I decided not to pay about £300.oo and wait about two more weeks for this item, I never had trouble with top gear btw. A leaky carb was also dealt with, but the carb repair kit I ordered from Legend never turned up, so I gave up and got one from DSS, that got here quick thank gawd, the other kit remains in transit or something.
Well... I happily went to collect her, and I was told they had done some work on the tail light too, I could see that already, after all ... it was upside down!  ;D Embarrassed mechanic put it right for me. That said she now sounds and feels great, rejuvenated even. When I get home I get the feeling someone was definitely in a hurry to finish up though because something didn't look right, the oil filter housing is on sideways, it was sort of smiling at me.  ;) mmmm... surely it can't do any harm if I plain leave it like that a while? The cost of the job was £700.oo, the parts I bought myself for around £500.oo.

Misc / Open / Fixing fins
« on: March 11, 2024, 03:02:28 PM »
I'm considering a purchase of a cylinder block just now on two provisos, that it is still available next month and it can be repaired. As you can see there is some fin damage, I gather this can be repaired but would one need to also bring the bits that broke off and would it cost the earth to have the job done? 
What you told me rules out the idea.

CB350/400 / What is this cog called?
« on: March 08, 2024, 11:56:04 AM »
Can some kind expert please tell me the proper name for the cog arrowed in the supplied image? The guy at the shop today wasn't the mechanic and he couldn't tell me for sure but my issue seems to be with a second gear item rather than a third as discussed in an earlier thread.

Misc / Open / I want a gun....
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:26:07 PM »
I just got a call from the garage that is working on my bike, come across please they say. A more senior mechanic from their main branch was there, good guy I've met before. You need a new primary chain he said, and showed me why. This is exactly what I asked before they closed up and returned the engine to the frame, but got told it was isn't.  ::) Also some scoring in the left cylinder and a chippy 3rd gear dog needing change (see my post in desperately seeking) The labour side of things isn't going to cost me any more but I really hoped to have my bum back in the saddle today. Does anyone have a gun...a Bazooka...a harpoon they can lend me?  >:(

Desperately Seeking!! / Third gear dog CB400F
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:10:30 PM »
Has anyone got a 3rd gear dog for a CB400F for sale?  ;D

CB350/400 / Mineral oil and change routine.
« on: February 26, 2024, 07:58:42 PM »
The 10W40 mineral oil we are supposed to use I gather has a much shorter life than synthetic oils, but we do have rather large sumps. How often do you change your oil?

CB350/400 / Painting underside of rear fender
« on: February 16, 2024, 08:29:06 PM »
My rear fender has a lot of blemishes appearing under it now, so sometime soon I'll be taking it out for a good sprucing up. Is it a bad idea to paint beneath it, how should I best go about the job? :)

CB350/400 / Pilot light mounting screws
« on: February 15, 2024, 10:58:03 AM »
Going down the cobbled streets of ye olde Wapping I noticed my pilot light console was wobbling about, a closer look was called for. Recently I renovated parts of my front end that had me dismantle the clocks and I forgot the two screws that secure the pilot light (idiot!) console to the baseplate the clocks fix to.  ::)  I've searched high and low for those screws to no avail. Anyone know what size they are so I can replace without paying through the nose to CMSL? 

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