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Messages - Biggles

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CB350/400 / Re: First mods
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:08:39 PM »
I've invested in a new full suit by ISX (which are by the way excellent, second only to the

CB350/400 / Re: First mods
« on: July 10, 2011, 04:43:08 PM »
Thanks for the headsup, wasn't aware of the low headroom for electrical output.

Got it covered tho ;) LED tail light fitted (instrument lights on their way) and the gloves draw a measly 22watts so should be quite safe, won't be fitting any spot lights to this one though :o

CB350/400 / Re: First mods
« on: July 08, 2011, 08:09:22 PM »
I did have an arc first, I could make strong welds that looked awfull, it was like striking a match on the end of a stick while blindfolded hahahaha mig is such a breeze to use in comparison! (I have a bit of a luggage fetish I'm affraid, this is me doing my best to be restrained!) I actually quite like the rust look on the mz but shiny is the way on the cb ;)
May make some other minor alterations but want to keep it looking true to the period rather just bunging on any old thing! (I saw a very cool cafe racer faring recently but am somewhat skint at the moment!)

Yeh I thought it might be wise to run direct off the battery just in case. I suspect gloves could be run off the pilot lamp feed but didn't want to chance it (with a relay it works as a great ignition only switch). the mz is setup slightly differently with a switch and indicator lamp to show when the gloves are on but still off the battery.

I've been riding about 7/8 years and the thing that I can't cope with is cold hands, although when it got down to -12c this winter the wind hitting my forehead @70 was very painful! (scott neoprene mask worked great elsewhere, but doesn't cover the forehead!)
Ha no you don't see many sports bikes on the road, period, in winter! good on you! (a couple of mates were even commuting in the snow, I was on my mz, one was on his bandit12, another a zxr9 and another on a tl1000!, so a few still do manage it!)

CB350/400 / Re: First mods
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:23:02 PM »
I've got one fitted to the mz as well, tend to plug in one after the other (I was thinking of setting up some clever timing device to charge one and then the other while both plugged in but decided against it!)

Moved towards a car gps thats been waterproofed (you don't wanna know how) from my old bricknav garmin streetpilot III, not often I need one though at the moment :( I really should sort out some way of powering it as well now you mention it!

Have used allot of luggage including topboxes of vast size, but this bike is too pretty to festoon with that sort of mcguffin.. I've got a horrible tendency to carry allot of tools and gear most of the time and am trying to keep the cb minimalist. Hopefully I'll be able to carry a small bag to uni and keep it in the small sidebag thing.

Will be interested to see what you come up with for the rear rack! I was close to sorting out the spare (a little crusty) metal rear mudguard to prop it up but prefer the look of the sidebags (which is all very well if your not taking passengers!) May revisit the idea if the opportunity comes up to do some miles/rallys.

This is my other bike, the motordonkey :D

(yes that is a bicycle basket on the side, yes it is an mz, and no its awesome)

Which tends to be used 80% of the time at the moment! (i.e. its peeing down 80% of the time I go out, not keep on getting the cb filthed up quite so soon)

Hopefully there will be a couple of months where I can use the cb without it getting covered in road filth.

CB350/400 / First mods
« on: July 08, 2011, 04:32:40 PM »
Hi all

I've been doing some tinkering with the cb

Firstly I set the valves and balanced the carbs, its allot smoother now!

I also went to check the ignition timing.. now that was very interesting.. it was so out I had to modify the adapter plate. I've found one online reference to this happening but can't fathom a cause.. It may be the case it requires an electronic ignition in future but I'll worry about that when I can afford it, same goes for the cam chain (which is probbaly ok, I've never owned an overhead cam'ed engine, and never a 70's four, or a 70's anything for that matter..)

So anyways.. I decided I could do with a small amount of carrying capacity for next year

This ment fabricating some brackets.

The seat lock seems to have a bolt and hole that do nothing, so decided that'd make a good mounting point.

The other mount is the passenger peg, the bag sits right on the peg as well so its pretty damn solid.
Its been painted now to help stop it going rotten.

Just enough room for my uni stuff (got myself a tablet so shouldn't need to lug as much around this time)
Inside the bag is another steel bar to stop the whole thing flexing.

It could have been fitted further back but I very rarely take passengers and it looked better where it is.

Also fitted a din socket for the optimate and heated gloves, no need to get the seat and side panel off to charge the battery.

Toying with the idea of making brackets for the left hand side but not entirely sure I'll need them, I've got another bike with enormous luggage capacity for that sort of thing.

I've actually got a set of krauser panniers that were going to be fitted but they really spoiled the look of the bike :/

Just thought I'd share!

CB350/400 / Re: New CB 400/4 owner with questions
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:55:51 PM »
Thanks for the info!

I did notice after getting the bike upto full temperature the bike won't idle lower than 1.5k, this seems extremely high and is making me think tuning is badly needed..
There does seem to be a buzz at the front while riding as well, not sure if thats related
Next week I'm going to adjust the valves and balance the carbs so will see what this does. As said the clutch was only done 400 miles ago and thinking about it no self respecting garage would ignore major camchain noise considering the extra opportunitys for fleecing the previous owner for yet more money.

Also... I've never owned a bike of this age or configuration so my expectations of noise are probably quite different to all of you with more experience!

I'll give it a tune up monday and see how that goes!

New Member Introductions / Re: Another one in the midlands.
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:47:09 PM »
Thanks guys :)

+Yep hopefully sometime soon I'll get upto matlock, its been a long time!

Ah the tenere, a friend of mine had one.. never seemed to come up at the right time at the right price :-\  they are quite similar to the transalp? (I was put off that because of chronic electrical problems.. one cylinder would intermittently cut out when it rained, not good in the corners!)

I'm a little bit conflicted about selling the gs.. while its got all the passion of a dead fish, it is brick wall solid and will cope with all the abuse you can throw at it day in day out without any fuss, drama or much maintenance (as long as you keep the oil at the right level).

My current financial situation might be the deciding factor. I'm a graduate about to do yet another degree and have spent a big load of money on a new bike that I don't technically need (as said, always wanted one ;D ).

Right now the question is to wait for September to find out where my placement will be or sell it now while its summer and it'll go for a little more.. the decision may be made for me by bills :(

Interesting you mention the short commute, mines pretty much the same distance, half dual carriageway and half in town... how does yours go on only being run a relatively short distance?

+ any tips on protecting the framework and shinyness over winter? and how are these beasties at <0c starting/running?

Off for another ride in a couple of hours ;D

CB350/400 / Re: New CB 400/4 owner with questions
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:25:15 PM »

Well I've adjusted the cam chain as per the manual (there was a definite feel of something springy on rescrewing in so sure its done right) there was a worrying moment when it lurched and spluttered in response to tweaking, this was the fuel running out because I'd turned the tap was set to off.
Turns out the bolt wasn't so bad, just surface.. I'll be plastering it in grease and putting a bit of fuel hose over it to keep it clean.

shame about the non swapable parts :( thanks though saves me allot of messing about!

as for the kickstart, I'm quite happy to fit something that just works for now and invest in a proper one later.. I'll get the measurements and head off to the breakers next week and see if there is anything suitable. my concern is that it could cause a leak if its used (I can't see an o-ring under there, is it bathed in oil or does it not get that high?.. any idea if the kickstart needs to be removed when changing the clutch? that was done recently.

Also the fuel tap.. if its not turned off is it likely to overflow? or so anything it shouldn't? AND the tap is very stiff, would some normal light oil or some wd40 be ok to get it moving?

I've got a workshop manual (in fact clymer and haynes book of lies) is there a downloadable owners manual as supplied by honda anywhere?

The cam chain adjustment didn't make any difference (I'd appreciate that info regarding adjustment though kent, I have a good idea of how its working from the manual but any tips would be much appreciated) my next plan is to check the clearances an balance the carbs (have a set of gauges)

I do have a spare camchain but I'd prefer not to be doing anything quite so drastic so soon! it is a fairly straightforward job? guessing its not a split link job? do the guides need to be taken out at the same time? can this all be done by simply taking off the top inspection cover?

Thanks for the advice upto now!

New Member Introductions / Another one in the midlands.
« on: June 01, 2011, 12:27:23 PM »
Hello all!

I'm a full time student and have been biking for 7years, I go by the name of Biggles in bike circles (Don't ask me why, I really don't remember)

I started on a cg125 and then onto a CX500 (which I loved), then a transalp 650 (which I didn't) then a cx500e THEN a cx650 and a cb125t (which was smoky but very good) THEN a cn250 (which was excellent but slightly scary handling wise).

I currently own two mz's (a dead one and this very much alive one) Hold your gafaws! I've been riding it every other day for well over a year, even in -12c and the snow its been utterly faultless throughout +very fun and quirksome bike.

and a gs500.

The mz is teriffic, the gs500, though nippy, efficient and modern is bloody awful. Well it isn't that bad, but its not enjoyable apart from in the best conditions when you can throw it around, on my commute I feel like I just might as well be driving the car. Mostly it just doesn't suit me.

This lead me to look for something with more character.. I'm told the cb400N and the like are a little faster and handle better, but they don't have the character. Modern just doesn't do it for me. So yesterday I picked up this!

1977 cb400/4 from a fellow only a few miles from myself!

Its been very rarely used in the past two decades but its in excellent condition cosmetically (I'll be trying to keep that up but its usually very low on my list of priorities, I have bikes to ride them)

I've only ridden it 20 miles but it made a big impression in that short distance!

A review I've read written in the 70's made me worry it might be uncomfortable. Compared to modern devices of torture masquerading as motorcycles, its a sofa. The riding position is perfect for me, seat height could be lower but the shocks are a little longer than stock.

The ride is also very nice, certainly not hinged in the middle as I was lead to believe! its composed and balanced and was a joy on the local backroads where I spend much of my riding time. Hopefully will have time to take it up to matlock at some point to really test it out.

I've never owned a 4 cylinder bike before, I really do like the engine, its exceptionally smooth, sounds like a gargling demon and when its opened up like the same demon plucking out nose hairs.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you got this far! see you out there!

CB350/400 / New CB 400/4 owner with questions
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:37:13 AM »

Hi all.

Hopefully will be spending a bit of time looming on these here forums!

This is the 1977 CB 400/4 I picked up yesterday.. I've had allsorts of bikes from the 80's to 00's (currently own two mzs and a gs 500.. had several cx's and a few modern things too)
Always wanted a real 70's no compromise Japanese classic this is definitely that!

I've got a couple of questions though and hopefully somebody will be able to help.

I'm told this is a us import (imported in 89) and I'm also told that for some reason some came sans kickstart.. now I love a kickstart, its worth many cool points as far as I'm concerned, if its not got one its really missing something as far as I'm concerned.

In its place is this guy! I daren't detach the weird nobble but can only assume the kickstart shaft and all its associated bits and bobs are contained within?

So if i took this cap off (presumeably fitted onto the splines)

    is the shaft there in its entirety with springs and everything else it needs to work?
    will it spring a leak if the cap is removed?
    will there be an o-ring that needs changing before it can be used (since its never been used its safe to assume it will be perished)
    anything else to be aware of?

Has anyone else seen this before?

Also, theres some pretty major camchain rattle, the previous owner seemed a little confused on how to use the choke and VERY rarely rode the bike, I can only guess it hasn't been adjusted for some time. Apparently the carbs were balanced 400 miles previous but knowing garage monkeys it might not have been sealed with anything and therefore could well have gone off..

My question is, anything to watch out for while adjusting the cam chain via the small bolt at the front (supposedly it needs to be done while the engine is running) the bolt looks a little rusty, are they still available from honda/anywhere?
If the bolt does come out would there be any catastrophic problems? can it be unscrewed to give it a clean up (thinking electrolysis perhaps)
Between automatic cam chain tensioners and 2 strokes I've never adjusted a cam chain on anything before!

Anyway, appart from the minor service things that could do with sorting I'm extremely chuffed!

Reading the 70's reviews made me think it'd be quite uncomfortable to ride but its very comfy, beautifully balanced and brakes work very well without the front end diving.. a joy to ride, exactly what I have been looking for!

The engine could be a little more responsive but 20 odd years of hardly ever being ridden might have a part to play there!

I might be able to get several bits from a cb550 (the kicksart and exhaust for example) are many parts compatible between the two?

Anyways, any info would be much appreciated!

Thanks for reading!

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