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Topics - McCabe-Thiele (Ted)

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Misc / Open / Magnetic sump plugs - do folk here use them?
« on: June 24, 2021, 01:39:27 AM »
I guess it's a spill over from my old Mini days as BL always fitted magnetic sump plugs to the transverse A series engines.
I have them fitted in our Merc & Jeep.

Are they worth having on a bike to help with keeping an eye on engine & gearbox wear?

I know much more complex methods are used in large industrial engines such as in Cruise Liners where oil analysis "Cartridges" are changed during servicing with oil analysis being used to ascertain the amount of engine wear from the metals found in the used oil & cartridges.

Misc / Open / 400/4 for sale
« on: June 22, 2021, 08:10:00 AM »
Just spotted this on flea bay - is it anyone here parting with it?

Not sure what to think of the price - probably what it will fetch even with the wonky fuel tank might make a good project as it's a runner.

Today I went to put back the horsehoe tensioner bolts I am less than happy with one of the bolts as I began to tighten them up (I was aware of this previously but it seems worse). One bolt went to an initial 4 N-M but the second was not tightening up as it should so I am pretty sure the thread is worn and starting to strip.

I put some Locktite on both threads and all was clean before assembly. What are the forces at play on the tensioner is it possible that it could come adrift with just the one decent bolt?

I suspect either the PO has had it off before or the threads have been worn by the vibration through the seized  horseshoe?

Question is what can be done to the casing threads to fix the problem are there any best options?

CB350/400 / I think I have a problem with one of the conrods - HELP
« on: June 02, 2021, 10:29:59 AM »
This morning I fitted the two crank case halves and it all went well - all torqued up fitted the primary gear shaft etc.
After fitting the shaft in the primary drive all went together ok.

I held up the timing chain and rotated the crank all seemed okay - I checked the conrods for free movement and number two just seems a bit tight occasionaly compared to the other three that would flick left & right as I expected.

I added some extra oil it seemed to help but at the top of its travel I can feel (or imagine) a slight tight spot.
With the conrod at the bottom of its stroke the rod will move easily to the left & right if you get my meaning - not quite the case when its near the top of its travel?

When I plastigauged the conrods the clearance were the same on all four rods - with each rotation of the crank the issue seems to have improved.

Do I need to seperate the case again & examine number 2 con rod bearings ?

CB350/400 / What is this part please ?
« on: June 01, 2021, 05:57:05 PM »
Can't remember what this is it looks like some sort of stop - it has an O ring it looks like it's made from alloy ?

Do I need to fit it inside before I fasten up the crankcase?

what is this part by Macabe Thiele, on Flickr

CB350/400 / Crank in or crank out question?
« on: May 30, 2021, 01:41:30 PM »
Is there a preference here for torquing up the big ends is it crank in or crank out ?

At present my conrods are in place just nipped up on the crank on my ultra clean bench - I've checked that the rods are the right way round with the shell notches facing the exhuast side of the engine - this also tallies with the markings on the bearing caps from the photos I took when dismantling all back in the correct order on the crank journals.

It strikes me it might be easier to torque the big end nuts with the crank in the upper engine casing or is it better to do them with the crank out ?

What do folk here think ?

CB350/400 / What socket do folk here use for Big End nuts?
« on: May 29, 2021, 02:40:35 AM »
Whilst doing the Plasigauge on my Big Ends today I had trouble finding any of my sockets that would fit the nuts properly due to the small gap between the nut and the bearing cap. Out of four of my 12 mm sockets the best fit was a 1/4 drive socket with an adapter for my torque wrench but the fit was far from ideal.

When I come to fit the crank I am wondering if there is a decent brand of 12mm socket for the job perhaps a 3/8 drive that anyone can recommend ?

My so called thin walled 12 mm 1/2" drive one was not thin enough. Annoyingly my old Kamasa 3/8 drive set does not have a 12 mm one it jumps from 10 to 13 via 11 none are missing!
My best socket set is a Britool but its all A/F as was the fashion when I worked on cars in my youth.

I'm thinking ahead & want to build a spare engine for my CB400F2 - anyone here got spare parts or recommend a source for a good block that I can rebore to +0.5?
I've sourced a crankcase with bits inside so have bottom part of the engine as a starting point.

Misc / Open / Plastigauge question
« on: May 15, 2021, 10:30:38 AM »
My new Plastigauge arrived yesterday - unlike my previous stuff its very brittle is this normal or is it dried out old stock?

Humour / Monday Mornings.
« on: May 05, 2021, 06:36:32 PM »
Mondays by Macabe Thiele, on Flickr

Looking at assembly sealant options for the crankcase halves just a coule of questions please - I've looked at historical posts and on Google so I obviously need to make a choice. The price is not really a consideration (within reason) - I want to do it once & do it right.

1) I know with the likes of Hondabond it is used very sparingly - so what size / quantity of sealant tube do I need?

2) There seem to be several versions of Hondabond what is available now, Threebond 1184, Yamabond etc what is the easiest / best to use please - also thinking of a ticking clock to assemble all those top & bottom bolts before it sets?

Never heard of this device , the crash is horrific, sentence seems light given the riders  injuries.

CB350/400 / Not fully understanding Big End Bearings & colour codes.
« on: April 24, 2021, 10:07:24 PM »
After some anxiety I think have got my head around main bearing shell colour codes  as the crankcase codes are easy to spot, if the colour code on your old main shell is illegible you can mic the crank and from the tables work out the shell colour code you need.

Although my big end shells are in pretty good condition it got me wondering about how the big end shell colour codes are arrived at. I can understand the journal measurements running along the top of the table but this time instead of numbers running horizontally  there are letters with number running vertically instead of letters. Looking at old posts here it talks about markings on the crank web & con rods - in the absence of any visible markings how do you work out the shell size? At present the only markings I can see on my con rods are the letter "C" that I believe are to do with weight.
My crankshaft seems devoid of any markings although I have not cleaned it with petrol for a possible new reveal. Does this mean that the con rods have coded numbers for the rod internal diameter that in the absence of any numbers I need to measure the con rod diameter to establish if it's a 1,2 or 3 then from the crank jiurnal establish the appropriate letter range? Is it likely that all the conrods will have the same bearing shell size for a given weight code.

Sorry if I sound dense but it is as though they have deliberately switched the rules between the con rod tables & the mains!

Misc / Open / What size / colour Plasigauge do I need.
« on: April 24, 2021, 03:01:19 PM »
All this colour coding it's spreading everywhere it was bad enought working out what size shells I need  -not used Plasigauge in decades my memory was of it being white - so for a 400/4 crank what colour do I use on the mains please - Red Grey or Green?

Secondly will it be sufficient to just secure the main (10) crank case bolts above the crank to get a reliable reading?

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